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Breakthrough Women

Writer's picture: Dr. Virginia WardDr. Virginia Ward

rt 1 of a 3-part Series

We are living in curious times. A health crisis has invaded homes on a global scale bringing unexpected changes to the way we live, work and play. Uncertainty greets us every morning while fear and anxiety attempts to speak with us each night.

Breakthrough is needed for such a time as this!

Yet, where is the breakthrough prophetic voice of the church? And more specifically ladies, where is the breakthrough prophetic voice of the daughters, sisters and mothers of the land?

Throughout scripture and in our global spaces God has used women to bring about change. Here are a few:

Deborah – a wife, prophetess and judge in Israel

Shirley Chisholm – first black woman elected to the United States Congress

Rahab – a harlot who saved her household by hiding the messengers sent from Joshua

Harriet Tubman – a former slave turned abolitionist leading many others to freedom

Abigail – the wife of Nabal who interceded on her husband’s behalf to King David

Susan B. Anthony – an activist for women’s suffrage and slavery

Esther – a queen who obtained favor for her people against an adversary

Anne Frank – young, Jewish girl whose diary became a trusted account of the Holocaust

Mary Magdalene – brought the message of a risen Savior to the disciples

A breakthrough is a sudden increase in knowledge and understanding.  It is an important discovery that happens after trying for a long time to understand or explain something (Webster). I believe breakthrough women embody three characteristics. This post focuses on the first characteristic.

Breakthrough women know how to apply new knowledge. Once you gain new knowledge a decision must be made. You are now halted, which means to stand in perplexity or doubt between alternate courses.

  1.  Will I stay the same with this new knowledge tucked away for safe keeping, ignoring the possibilities it brings, or

  2. Will I change my actions according to the new knowledge I have now received?

It is easier to stay in the comfort of what I do versus what I know to do. The work of change is difficult emotionally, intellectually and physically. You have to overcome

For example, I became a tither very early in my Christian walk. The problem was not with the 10%, it was how I handled my 90%. I asked my sister-in-law ( to do a training at our church entitled “Managing the 90”.  My heart’s desire is to be a philanthropist. I want to give to people and causes to further the kingdom of God.  I cannot give if I cannot manage my 90% in a godly manner.  I heard about a book from Michelle Singletary called the 21 Day Financial Fast: Your Path to Financial Peace and Freedom. It changed my financial life. I applied my new knowledge.

You have a decision to make with the new knowledge you receive. Now that you know, what will you do?

Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”

Maya Angelou

The bible puts it this way:

Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it. (James 4:17)

The decisions we make daily add up to to a lifetime of joys or regrets. Take the time to review each decision made regarding every area of your life. It may mean some delays and times of refinement however know that God is fully in control.

Breakthrough women are located all around the globe. Some of us may never make the news but the fruit of our hands will change lives.

Reward her for all she has done, let her deeds publicly declare her praise. (Proverbs 31:31)



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