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Bishop Larry Ward and Dr. Virginia Ward
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"Breakthrough Women" part 3 of a 3-part series

Breakthrough Women
Dr. Virginia Ward
These are lessons I have learned over the years as a wife and mother. The final section describes the type of women who breakthrough. They are Designer women.
"Encouragement To Move You Forward" Blog

Encouragement to Move You Forward
Bishop Larry Ward
People have so much negativity to contend with these days and many have given up their fight to move forward in life. There are two things that I’ve learned to do to overcome noisy negativity.
“Having worked with the Wards in a professional capacity for over thirty years, three words sum up their values and what can be expected from their services: Competent, Consistent, and Conscientious. Whether an organization is small or large, their singular focus is to add value to those whom they have served, leaving them in a better place.”

Brian C. Greene
Senior Pastor of Pentecostal Tabernacle (North & South Campuses)
International Bishop of the United Pentecostal Council of the Assemblies of God.
377 Willard Street, #364
Quincy, MA 02169

(617) 539-6372